This address corresponds to a Bitcoin Script (6e879169aa7caa87) that allows anyone who can demonstrate a SHA256(SHA256()) collision to spend from it. On September 13, 2013 this address was funded as a SHA256(SHA256())-collision bounty. It has continued to accumulate 'bounty donations' for 7+ years and, as of this writing (April 2021), the bounty remains uncollected. Read more
"isvalid": true,
"address": "3DUQQvz4t57Jy7jxE86kyFcNpKtURNf1VW",
"scriptPubKey": "a914813ee00988dc0188450da05b77bd2d3e887f2ca487",
"isscript": true,
"iswitness": false
"version": 5,
"hash": "813ee00988dc0188450da05b77bd2d3e887f2ca4"